Membership Application


Dear ,

Your membership application has been delivered. Your application will be accepted when payment has been received.

You have decided to pay by .

Standing OrderPlease complete the mandate and send it to your bank
Standing Order Mandate
Or set up your standing order on-line to
HSP Support Group, Account 1083 8160, Sort Code 20-78-42
Please pay the subscription immediately and then annually on May 1st
ChequePayable to HSP Support Group
Post to:
Ian Bennett
37 Wimborne Road West
Wimborne BH21 2DQ
On-LineUse your usual banking services to pay to
HSP Support Group,
Account 1083 8160,  Sort Code 20-78-42

Please keep us informed of any changes to your details, especially a change of email address.

A Newsletter is published 3 times a year and back copies may be read on the HSP website.

You will be sent an email when a new Newsletter becomes available.

Best wishes,

Ian Bennett
Membership Secretary